.think .differently
When you change what you see, what you see changes.
Satisfaction is dangerous.
What the…

The harsh reality with Customer Service is this: Satisfaction is NOT the goal!
Jeff’s unique approach to every leadership excellence, employee engagement, customer service, brand loyalty, creativity and innovation challenge is two things: Simple. Powerful.
Jeff’s five organizational pillars are straight-forward, yet commonly under-developed in most companies. His 19 architectural blueprints contain the secret Disney DNA that only Jeff has deconstructed, reconstructed, and polished into a one-of-a-kind package, designed to deliver competitive immunity.
Does Jeff’s content work for everyone? Yes. Name a company that doesn’t dream about all five Organizational Vibrancy pillars:
Leadership Excellence
Employee Engagement
Customer Service
Brand Loyalty
Creativity & Innovation
How do Jeff’s architectural blueprints work? Using Jeff’s signature Disney Customer Service keynote speech content, picture this…Customer Service has four blueprints: The Bullseye, 360-Analysis, Unifying Goal, and Decision Tree. This four-blueprint architecture establishes the (1) supreme Goal, (2) provides unlimited Tools to hit it, (3) gives everyone a compelling Reason to, and (4) provides a prioritized decision framework to deliver it with world-class Consistency.
All five pillars have unique, simple, powerful blueprints, totaling 19.
.think .differently

Concerned that Disney messages may not translate? Jeff’s industry-neutral organizational pillars and proprietary architectural blueprints resonate with every level employee. Plus, Jeff’s trademark audience engagement toolkit ensures no one has a reason nor a chance to ‘check their phone’.
How do Jeff’s Keynote speeches work? Kinda like Magic, actually. Like Walt Disney, Jeff aims for perfection and settles for excellence in everything he does. Jeff aligns with and is inspired by clients who do the same. Anything less bores him. This is great news for the exceptionally motivated Executive. Think of Jeff like a famous scientific researcher and inventor, minus the fame. Imagine a world-renowned Disney expert who teaches others how to envision, design, build – and have fun in – the perfect an excellent company culture.
From 2,000 speech deliveries to over one-million business leaders globally, Jeff knows the slam-dunk blend of content, activity, and timing.

Finally, can you talk about Jeff’s signature 72-hour challenge? Yes. Every speech concludes with a personal challenge for each participant to ‘do something great’ using one of Jeff’s simple, key, repeatable messages – within 72-hours after the Keynote.
[email protected] To schedule a call with Jeff. He’ll reply same day.
Reminder. Jeff intentionally keeps this site simple, mobile-first friendly, content-protective, and big picture…and if you need or want a little more…FAQs page (includes fees) is here.
Updated: Feb 2022