Are you currently working on something impossible?
Blogging is supposed to be a good way to help your cause.
But who’s got time?
Which begs the question…
To blog or not to blog?
Lots of reputable advice on the benefits of blogging.
Since launching this Disney Keynote Speaker website in Summer 2016, there’s been a conscious decision to not blog.
Because most blogs are not worth our time.
And even if blogging was worth our time, who’s got the time?
However, have seen, first hand, the SEO (search engine optimization) benefits on five main personal blogs.
(When someone Googles “Disney Keynote Speaker” or “jeff noel“, they see the SEO proof)
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Ok, so today is December 9, 2016 – gonna give blogging at junglejeff.com a shot before adding a public blog link to this website.
First creative thought? Write a couple dozen posts before making the blog link public.
Promises, promises.
We all have great intentions.
But this is a promise.
Uh oh, a promise.
We’ll see.
Can you imagine someone writing 5 daily (personal) blogs – since April Fools Day 2009 – about life’s 5 big choices?
So for blogging context, can you guess who just passed the 24,000th blog post milestone recently? The official world-record for most blog posts by a single author is 17,212.
Sounds inflated, right?
Validation is at this blog.
PS. If you visit the blog link, the ability to click through all five daisy-chained websites is lost on nearly everyone who isn’t familiar.
Because it’s crazy.
No one in their right mind would do something so insanely impossible.
Here’s to hoping you are an exception and that you are immersed, right now, in your own crazy-exciting impossible goal.
Be amazed and be amazing.
Our world needs more of that.
And so do you.